In the end, Babylon does serve its purpose as an entertaining spectacle, but like the Hollywood it critiques, its self-indulgence prevents it from achieving greatness. Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition United States Civilization 2021. Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition Knights of the Mediterranean 2022. Age of Empires 3 DE The African Royals 2021. However, these positives could not completely overcome the movie's fundamental flaws which are - going too far with trying to revolt the audience (to the point of childishness), not spending enough time with the characters or important scenes despite its decadent runtime, and the ending coming off as completely pretentious in the context of how practical/cynical everything leading up to it was. Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition Mexico Civilization 2021. And as with Chazelle's previous work the set pieces are well executed and (some) characters are memorable. On the upside the cast are great and almost completely carry the movie, especially Margot Robbie's enthralling performance as Nellie. The problem is the movie spends so much time in the mud, and goes so deep into it that by the time it tries to pull you out at the end it's too late. The movie wants to bring you down into the waste yard that is Hollywood then pull you out to see the beauty that grows out of the trash. Unfortunately despite the great performances and set pieces it doesn't live up to Chazelle's previous work. Babylon is a long, messy, repulsive, and magnetic spectacle. Honestly I dont really know why would you need the cd key for any other reason, if you havent created an account 9 years ago, then you kinda have to buy the game again, its really cheap now.